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What Kind Of Returns Do You Get From Social Media Advertising?



Active Member
I would be interested to hear what kind of financial returns you receive from social media advertising.


Active Member
This is not an area I have really invested in, what kind of returns would you class as average?


New Member
It seems to me that investing money in advertising of site is necessary only after you have made the site perfect. Even a logo should be perfect. As the experience of world-famous companies shows, the right one is half the success. Here, read the history of the Mazda logo and you will agree with me right away.


At some point your investment in social media has to create a physical return for your business, surely?

If this is brand awareness then that would suggest an increase in sales, customer insights would suggest adjusting your product/service range? Everything has to have a return....
Business Upside

Business Upside

About fourteen to fifteen years ago, when the possibility of a virtually connected social world was thrown at us, we were astonished by the creativity and the opportunity to get in touch with the lost-long friends or even to get a glimpse of the lives of the celebrities.