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Forum Rules and Guidelines

Forum Rules and Guidelines

Although the administrators and moderators of (the “Site”) will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this Site, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of, nor Xenforo Ltd (developers of Xenforo forum software) will be held responsible for the content of any message. The User (“You”) agree as a condition of registering at to be truthful in regard to all information given during the registration process; to use the Site as per these guidelines (the “Rules”) and Terms & Conditions ; not to disclose their password to others for use; and that the Site has a license (permission) for use of anything you submits or posts to the site. You also agree to the following Site Rules stated below.

Forum Posts

By displaying or publishing ("Posting") any content on or through the community forum, or submitting a Guest Article for publication, You hereby grant to the company royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, non-exclusive right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, perform, and display all content, remarks, suggestions, ideas, graphics, or other information submitted, to the Site owner through this Site and to incorporate any submission in other works in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed. shall not be required to treat any submission as confidential, and may use any submission in its business (including without limitation, for products or advertising) without incurring any liability for royalties or any other consideration of any kind, and shall not incur any liability as a result of any similarities that may appear in future company operations.

Termination of membership

As the above paragraph could be misunderstood, should You decide You no longer wish to be a member of, it is important You understand your posts, threads and IP data will not be removed. Deleting all posts made by a member - especially if the member has a substantial post count, will causes threads to become disjointed and illogical and diminishes the board experience for everyone. The IP data is retained to protect the community from repeat sign-ups and trouble makers. In accordance with our Privacy Notice (see ) and to comply with our responsibilities under the General Data Protection Regulations 2016/679 (“the GDPR”) we will, however, change your username, avatar, delete your account email and/or any other information that may identify you within certain posts. You are advised to read our Privacy Notice at for more information on your rights under the GDPR.

Member Accounts

  1. Access to this forum is strictly reserved to registered members only. Allowing non-members’ access via registered member’s log-in details or by sharing log-in details is not acceptable and may result in the registered member’s account being suspended. You can use yourself as a referrer when a friend or colleague registers for an account.
  2. If a member is found to have multiple accounts, then these accounts may be removed or suspended. You may only have one user account; duplicate accounts shall be removed without warning. This may result in complete denial of Site access for persistent members.
  3. Access to is strictly at the discretion of the Account Services Team and the Forum Admin Team.
  4. All registered users are requested to use their real names or usernames which are tasteful; abusive usernames will not be tolerated.
  5. Members’ accounts with zero posts may be subject to restriction after a given time. This period of time is at the sole discretion of the Forum Admin Team. Generally speaking, after a period of 12 months with zero posts, accounts are deleted. The forum will only gain growth through its members’ contributions.
  6. Members’ accounts which are not deemed by the Site’s administrators to in the best interest of the Site or its members shall be deleted.

Posting Rules

  1. Any post deemed or appearing to be aggressively aimed at another forum member or members will be deleted immediately and the poster (or posters) dealt with without delay. This may result in account deletion. operates a zero tolerance policy towards trouble in relation to the posts made on the discussion boards. Any posts that are, or may be deemed/taken to be offensive, hateful or otherwise inflammatory or not in the best interest of the forum, will be removed.
  2. does not recommend for members to get involved in any discussions regarding any topics that may be seen or appear to be seen as slanderous or libellous. No posts or topics containing defamation of any kind, be it towards any person, product or organisation, shall be tolerated on the forum. Any member deemed to bring into disrepute shall have their account removed. Discrimination in any form is not welcome or tolerated on the forum. Any member(s) found to be spamming or posting repetitive threads/post that disrupt the forum will have their account(s) removed after one warning only.
  3. Members shall all be treated fairly and equally at all times whilst using Any complaints that may arise should initially be made online to a member of the moderating team or by email to the Forum Admin Team ( ).
  4. If forum members post topics relating to people, products or information from outside sources, then they should provide information within their posts on what sources were used, and to identify those sources.
  5. The constant posting of a commercial or competing external site(s) or product(s),either by hyperlink or name, by members with an interest, be it personally or financially, shall not be tolerated. Unsolicited advertising or repetitive external commercial links or name posting will be dealt with by the removal of links posted by an offending member(s). Self-Promotion is not acceptable.
  6. Any duplication or quotation of posts made by members used elsewhere or externally other than on this Site, should only be done with the consent of the original poster. Ignoring this rule could result in the offending member being denied access to the forum. Be respectful, ask the original poster first.
  7. All members should be aware all posts/content regarding political topics, external organisations’ campaigns and concerns should not be posted without approval from the Forum Admin Team. The forum endeavours to be politically free and to maintain its friendly and casual atmosphere.
  8. Decisions to remove or edit any and all posts will be at the discretion of administrators and moderators only. Requests to edit/delete postings on will be given careful consideration and will be acted upon by forum staff only.
  9. members are asked to use discretion in relation to locations; naming of specific marks or brands on the forum is not in the best interests of all members.
  10. The posting of links to external blogs/sites instead of content is not in the best interests of the forum. Inappropriate links posted will be removed without warning. If You have a blog, post content on the forum with a snippet of information and a reference link to the original content; please do not post links to your blog with the intent to just gain promotion.
  11. Members with commercial interests should also contact a member of the Forum Admin Team to arrange a possible site sponsoring / advertising block. These features are offered to support the Site and may be subject to refusal or removal at any time by the Forum Admin Team without warning.

Signature Rules

  1. The use of links in members’ signatures is limited to one link only for established members. No links for newly registered members until a minimum of 20 posts have been made.
  2. Links to external communities or other forums are not allowed; we all know who they are. There is no benefit to the forum to link to a competing environment.
  3. Posting signature links to commercial sites should be first approved by a member of the Forum Admin Team.
  4. All commercial sites linked in the approved signature must contain a link from that site back to Current advertisers links are exempt from this ruling.
  5. Inappropriate links will be removed without warning.
  6. Signature pics must not be bigger than 500(w) x 100(h) px. and restricted to one picture only. No commercial/advertising pictures will be allowed. Signature text max size is set by the system.
  7. All the above rules apply for both Tapatalk/Forum Runner if used by members to access the Site.

Private Messaging System (“PM”)

  1. Spamming of the PM system will not be tolerated. This covers abuse or sales promotion, external campaigning/canvassing. Members who encounter this should report the message(s) to a member of the Forum Admin Team.
  2. Abuse or spamming of the PM system will result in the offending member(s) being restricted in their use of the system.
  3. Posting or quotation of private messages on the forum sections is not permitted.
  4. provides this service to all members who qualify and does so based strictly on the above rules.
**Note: Rules ( ) and Terms of Service ( ) are subject to change at any point without notification; please ensure you read these pages on a regular basis.
  • Published
    Jan 21, 2018
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