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What do i do next?

  • Thread starter Paige Victoria Armitage
  • Start date

Paige Victoria Armitage

New Member
I have just finished my apprenticeship however I don’t know when the right time to approach my boss about it.
They have always been a bit funny about having to increase my wage - is their a certaintime period in which they can keep me on an apprentice wage? If so any idea how long?


Active Member
Hi Paige, welcome to the forum!

Glad you've asked this, I'm in a similar predicament, however I haven't finished mine yet. Really, once you've finished your apprenticeship, you should be moved onto a full-time wage, however like with my apprenticeship, I most likely won't have a job at the end of it, but even if I completed it now, they want to keep me on until February on minimum apprenticeship wage - which isn't happening.

You'd be better off asking your employer about this as if they aren't prepared to move you on to a full-time wage as soon as you've completed your apprenticeship and have your qualification, then you'd probably be better off starting to look for other roles.

Good luck :)


New Member
I agree with Ryan, if your employer isn't prepared to put you on a full-time wage then i would be looking elsewhere, after all you have trained up to get a full time wage out of it.

Good luck