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Website critique part 2



New Member
Right, having taken onboard some of the suggestions (no, I'm not a hibs fan!) I've done a bit of twiddling with the design of the site.

Comments, criticisms, suggestions etc always accepted.

Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
I think the navigation is clear and simple. I always know where to click and how to get back etc. Contact details are also clear which I am a fan of. In terms of information you have all the right categories but i'd like much more information.

It's still ultimately branding for me. I dont think the site really has any identity to make it memorable.


New Member
It's nice and easy to navigate which is useful, especially for me! Too many sites these days have navigation where you need to degree to work out how it works.

I have a question for you, how come you cover such a big area? Am I right in think you have other people who will cover areas for you?



New Member
Its the joy of having staff and the fact that I enjoy driving :D

I'm advertising for staff in Birmingham / Manchester at the moment but the quality of applicants is abysmal :mad:


New Member
Nice site but with me being in SEO i look it from an seo point of view your title tags are very spammy looking also have you recently update your title tag as Google sees it as just saying welcome but your title tag on site looks different.


New Member
Nice site but with me being in SEO i look it from an seo point of view your title tags are very spammy looking also have you recently update your title tag as Google sees it as just saying welcome but your title tag on site looks different.

The front page does have a spammy title and yes, the front page has been updated in the last day or so.

Google and Yahoo sitemaps will kick their records into shape in the next week or so.

I've tried to include as much as I can from my SEO stuff and fortunately it works as I'm top 3 for Google on quite a few relevant searches.

Anything else from an SEO point that you can see (good or bad)?


New Member
One other thing i would say its a little shy of content search engines love text so add at least 400 words per page of unique content if you can and always keep adding new pages as search engines like large ever chaging sites. hope this helps


New Member
One other thing i would say its a little shy of content search engines love text so add at least 400 words per page of unique content if you can and always keep adding new pages as search engines like large ever chaging sites. hope this helps

I know that static sites soon drop down the listings so I will faff about once a week and add more relevant content.
Tim Barlow

Tim Barlow

New Member
Congratulations fro sticking to simple design. So often "design" is given much more prominence than it deserves in web design.

Could you come up with some sort of call to action? What could you offer people who drift onto your home page that will start to get them engaging with you e.g a white paper or some sort of free review?
Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
Thats a great point by Tim. If you give something away for free in return for their email address then you can start to market to them via email marketing etc. It wouldn't need to be anything huge just something of perceived value. You can then stick this in as a goal in analytics and track how well it does and change the offer if it's not working. :)


New Member
D'ya know something, I had a special offer in the (unpublished & updated) website.

Now published :D
Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
I think the site is now at a stage where you need to look at Call to Action and what you want users to do when they get to the site. You need to try and define the goals for the site so that you can test and measure what you are achieving.

I'm not an expert but I think you have it going in the right direction :)