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Telephone Lease


New Member
Anyone come across VDI Telecom and their telephone lease con? I am still battling to get out of it after 2 years (along with at least 50 other businesses). I have never received the phone system which was sold to me as a call package not a phone lease! but my signature is on a delivery note.
The documents were covered up with VDIs own paperwork so you could not see it was a lease you were signing.
There seems to be a lot of businesses in Lanarkshire been hit too.

It seems to be straight forward to me in that the guy does not have a credit agreement license, therefore the documents are not legal(fraud) so should be null and void, but the leasing companies are pursuing the matter because my signature is on the agreement.
Anyone shed any light on the matter please?



Active Member
Hate to say it Dave, but the best advice is going to be from a legal eagle. You want to take free advice (especially online advice) with a pinch of salt.