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Some more free marketing from the BBC



New Member
Over the years I have done a fair bit of work with the BBC around the world.

They have a good habit of repeating programmes with gets us more free marketing. I notice they are now slicing and dicing programmes and inserting clips that were filmed for other programmes into new ones

We got 7 minutes of exposure on BBC 1 Sunday morning which is a old film from 2005. All helps though


BBC iPlayer - Country Tracks: Perthshire

Starts at 12.51


New Member
I was expecting to see you on that GR Jones, Rivers program :)

We were approached but it was obvious we were not going to get the type of coverage that we wanted so we opted out. Working with these guys is time consuming so we only do it when we know we are going to get a decent return on it.

On first pass the rivers program looked like up our street but having watched it we made the correct decision not to get involved as all the commercial operators who did got no commercial coverage.

I did think that the film they did in Perthshire did show the countryside off in its best light though.