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Employment Law Services

Employment Law Services

EmployEasily Legal Services
The 2008/9 Employment Tribunal Statistics have just recently been released and make for some very interesting reading indeed!! Some Employment Tribunal data you may find interesting.............

2008/9 saw a rise (15% as compared with 2007/8) in the overall number of single Employment Tribinal Claims raised.

There were rises in cases for:

* unfair dismissal (up 29%);
* Breach of Contract (up 31%);
* Redundancy Pay (up 48%) and
* redundancy - failure to inform and consult (now 2.5 times the figure in 2007/8)

So with average tribunal awards ranging from £3000 to £32,000 and the 25% cap on contingency fees rising to 35% from 7 April (this past Wednesday),there is a growing concern amongst business owners that more claimants will enlist the services of a lawyer in employment tribunal proceedings going forward which is likley to have a direct impact on the number and strength of single claims raised by agggrieved employees.

Businesses whose HR Health is in good shape should be able to cope but how many businesses actually know how healthy their HR actually is?

Have you Checked Your HR Health lately?