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How to promote my site at google?


I wanted to promote my site at Google and I've noticed that a similar site has high page rank. Now it's not a big site so how can I promote mine as well?
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Hi Mistirio.............There's lots of web design / SEO experts on this forum that should be able to offer you some excellent advice. Its not my area but here's some basic things you can do:

Based on what you do, you need to work out what your best keywords are

Research your people use them to search, do your competitors use them too then select the ones that will deliver the results you need/want - quality traffic to your website!

Make sure you're meta tags and keywords reflect your content on each page

Make sure you submit a sitemap to google as this helps with indexing

All of the above are very basic things................the resident experts will be able to give you much more detailed advice than I can.

One company I've dealt with in the past that are very good are PoLR - they'll do a free assessment of your site


Thanks a lot!!! I've used those tips and it was amazingly useful!!!

[Edited by stugster] The original post (post1) was edited as they're just a spammer. Intrepid's information is useful, so I've left it here :)