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What Are My Requirements For Registry Etc?



New Member
I've started taking on projects for clients, but I'm also working, although I plan to quit my job soon.

My question is what do I have to do in the way of registering my business, and when do I have to inform HRMC of my self employed activities? I have an accurate record from day 1 of all transcations, outgoings and income.


Active Member
You need to register with HMRC as soon as you begin trading.

If you're happy going down the self-employed route, take a look at the information here:

It might be worthwhile talking to an Accountant at this stage and making enquiries as to the best structure for your business. It might be that being self-employed isn't the right way to go.
Business Upside

Business Upside

The main documents for GST registration include a PAN card, proof of business registration, identity, photographs, and address proof of persons in charge, the business' address proof, and bank account statements.

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