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Twitter adverts coming soon

  • Thread starter Scottish Business Owner
  • Start date
Power Lunch Club

Power Lunch Club

New Member
It was inevitable....if that's where people are on the web, them businesses want to be targeting them...I am sure the nice people are twitter would have been tempted by the big dollar signs before their eyes.
Gordon N

Gordon N

New Member
I very rarely use the web interface anyway, preferring to take advantage of twitter clients such as TweetDeck or Seesmic etc. As far as I can tell, I will not really notice it much.

I am sure that the majority of Tweeters use similar apps so will the adverts really be that effective?
Employment Law Services

Employment Law Services

EmployEasily Legal Services
Like Gordon I use other applications and rarely access my Twitter account directly but I guess the way in which the plan to render the ads will determine whether this affects me or not.

I wouldn't be surprised if they offer a form of advertising that is distributed via tweets opposed to simply displaying ads on the twitter pages themselves.

This would give people a far greater reach and, if set up properly, allow advertisers the chance to laser target their ads - eg. target by country, region, age, industry, etc.

I'm sure it will work for some and not for others but for it to work, people will need to be able to measure success (lead, enquiry, sale or whatever your CTAs might be) to ensure a cost effective 'acquisition cost' achieved.

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