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Time to change from the iPad?

  • Thread starter Scottish Business Owner
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Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
OK - I'm in the fortunate position of owning and iPad. I can't really justify upgrading to the iPad2 as I dont really think it's changed enough to justify me paying again (I'm a bit tight like that! :p)

The whole Apple thing though is starting to grate on me a little in terms of them pretty much dictating what I can do with the iPad I own.

So this is got me thinking about looking at alternatives which probably means android. So i'm wondering what devices other people have and what they think of them to give me some steer on where to start looking?

I'd also be keen to hear your opinions as to whether you think the iPad is still the device to beat or whether there are devices that threaten this dominance. :)
Mike Lewis

Mike Lewis

New Member

You wrote:

"The whole Apple thing though is starting to grate on me a little in terms of them pretty much dictating what I can do with the iPad I own."

I know what you mean. I've not used an iPad, but I do own an iPod. I find it annoying that it has such a closed architecture. I can connect it to a local network, but I can't (easily) see the storage or manipulate the files. I assume the iPad is the same.

There are plenty of competitors (for both devices). But you're right that that probably means Android.

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Active Member
The biggest problem with the competitors is that nobody (in my view) offers the same quality and services you get with an iPad. This is coming from someone who has avoided Apple all their lives by the way.

I've only had my iPad for a day or so now, but in just a day, it has almost paid for itself in being able to provide me the tools I need to get jobs done quickly and efficiently.

Yes, there are competitors that offer the same kind of software, but not the same size of screen. Yes there are providers that try for a large screen but how many last for 10hrs? Then you've got the clever-quirks having the IOS software provides. Things that should be simple to do on iPad really are. Selecting text, manipulating data, jumping between websites, grabbing an app, logging on to various services are all pretty seamless. These things are lacking in competing products.

I might change my mind later of course!!! :)


New Member
I've got an iPad and a Motorola Xoom and I really like the Xoom, in fact I'd say it's better than the iPad however there are some flaws with certain apps crashing because they aren't compatible with Honeycomb.


New Member
As far as Apple is concerned they are playing a really smart and dirty game.
iPhone, iPhone3g & iPhone 3GS = Same
iPhone 4 and possibly iPhone 5 = Same
iPad & iPad2 = Same

Apple being smart and over ripping the brand reputation bring about SMALL and OUTDATED modifications like introducing back camera, Bluetooth and many more, coming up with new model every time and sweeping millions of Dollars every time. Be smart, don't go for brands go for other brands that provide mroe valued product rather then just a half eaten apple :p