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The best piece of business advice you've ever been given?

  • Thread starter Scottish Business Owner
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Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
We've all been in businesses for a different amount of time and i'm sure our experiences all differ hugely as well.

Is there any business advice you've been given in the past that you still try to impart on your business? What would you regard as the best piece of business advice you've ever been given?

Alan @ Sole

Alan @ Sole

New Member
Keep your chin up (or any variation thereof).

Maybe not strictly business advice but applicable to most business situations.


This came up in a discussion today and I think it's great advice

Insanity isn't trying something that might not work,
it's to keep doing the same thing over and over again and
expecting a different result.

(Albert Einstein)
Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
I feel like that just now William :p

The best piece of advice I was given was to always learn from your mistakes. It's actually ok to make mistakes but it's a cardinal sin to make the same mistakes twice.
Mehak Naheem

Mehak Naheem

New Member
We've all been in businesses for a different amount of time and i'm sure our experiences all differ hugely as well.

Is there any business advice you've been given in the past that you still try to impart on your business? What would you regard as the best piece of business advice you've ever been given?

i was going to mention the same quote as Will, especially being in my industry and not having much support when I started. I had to learn from my mistakes, spent a lot of time and money on different avenues till I realised that there is no secret. If you have struggled in your business, I admire you because you keep going if you have faith and belief in what you can achieve. There will always be negative people telling you it won't work, the reality is that they probably do not understand or have the patience themselves to go out there and make something like a business work.
My advice would be never to give up, remember you have no restrictions, even if money is an issue- there are ways you can succeed without money. Just study and educate yourself till you understand and find a way that works for you.
Sometimes especially in the marketing of a business, it's very easy to spend a lot of money and not get results so always remember to learn how to get the best results. If you set up your business correctly you will definitely see results
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Every experience in life is a learning experience be it good or bad.


New Member
This may seem rather dull, but it has been so effective for me as a writer. The best piece of advice I have been given is to just write down my ramblings whatever they might be. Try it, it really does help you become more productive and insightful.


New Member
I'm not really in business yet as am still researching my idea. But I have been told already - "If you want it, go get it, how else do you expect to achieve it?"

That little one liner is keeping me going so far!



New Member
Here's mine. Duncan's book is still one of my favourites :)

"Everyone should pull their finger out and start a business and to believe in themselves. There is nothing else to it. Anyone can make a £100m. But most people don't go out and try. They just stand in the pub and complain."
Duncan Bannatyne
Gemma Rowlands

Gemma Rowlands

New Member
If you don't believe you can do it, nobody else will either.

Pete Brindle

New Member
Don't let anyone tell you an idea is stupid. If it IS stupid, and you find that out for yourself, you'll still have learnt plenty along the way. I was told my idea was stupid so many times, I did it anyway, and it worked out.
Gemma Rowlands

Gemma Rowlands

New Member
Don't let anyone tell you an idea is stupid. If it IS stupid, and you find that out for yourself, you'll still have learnt plenty along the way. I was told my idea was stupid so many times, I did it anyway, and it worked out.

This is good advice. Trust me, I've had enough stupid ideas in my time to know this!
Marty Sampson

Marty Sampson

New Member
You need to start looking for potential customers. The most successful businesses cure the consumers "headache", and do not offer them "vitamins". Look for problems at work or think about the difficulties that you face in everyday life. And what can be done to prevent this.
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Active Member
Stay focused on a small number of projects and do not spread yourself too thinly. My friend once described my as a "butterfly" moving between different projects - made me think and change my ways.



Active Member
At some point in business you will need to speculate to make that jump into the big time - it may not happen first time but you need to decide if you want to "get by" or "make big money". There is nothing wrong with any of these options but having a comfortable life in later years sounds good to me.


If you dont have a target then you will never hit your goals - always have something to aim for.


New Member
Have faith in yourself. During your business career, you'll have many people doubting you and trying to take you down. Have faith in yourself, and surround yourself with positive people who can help bring you up

John Sanchez

New Member
Always say to yourself: I can

Learn from your mistakes

God wanted it that way


New Member
The best advice I was given was also to learn from my mistakes.
No matter how hard you try to learn from others' mistakes, as long as you concentrate on them, you will make your own new mistake)