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small business sacrifices


New Member
I read an article a few weeks back about a UK based business called Hippychick which does remarkably well now but had to endure major sacrifices in the beginning, such as the owner selling her home. Do you find that many businesses starting out have to make such sacrifices?


Active Member
Richard Branson gave up his only means of transport when he was starting out :) He also sold off Virgin Music to keep Virgin Atlantic going!

Fantastic read by the way:

Richard Branson, The Autobiography - Loosing My Virginity
ISBN: 978-0-7535-1300-2
Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
Running a business will mean that you have to make many sacrifices. Long hours, non-paying clients are only two of many stressful situations you can find yourself in. I admire people who have the self belief to risk it all in search of making it big. Richard Branson is a great advert for this, what he did to get buy in the early days was creative to say the least, risks that I dont think you would get away with today.

Unless you're single with no ties etc I think it's verging on foolish to put it all on the line like this but maybe i'm in the minority here......
I'm not even sure it's so much the thought of making it big that drives people..

For the past few years I've kept a foot in the land of 'sanity' by doing some part-time lecturing. And to some extent I've come to rely on that 'regular' money . But if anything I find the politics of that situation utterly soul destroying; and a source of immense stress and frustration.

I can't figure out which is worse; the risks and stresses of running a business or having to deal with all that nonsense . And at the end of the day one common sacrifice people make for the security of a regular wage is the surrender of many of the freedoms we take for granted.

Frankly I now find myself craving the freedom of being 100% in control of my means of earning a living again. And freedom from a situation where quite frankly I'm forced to suffer fools on a daily basis; something I struggle with.

That's caused me in the past two years or so to take risks; calculated risks but risks none the less... And not for the first time. But then crossing the road's a risk. And a major life skill IS risk assessment.

Much as we might draw inspiration from the spectacular success of Messrs Branson, Sugar and Ballantyne we might draw equal inspiration from the owners of many more modest businesses. Working long hours, being 'swallowed up' by the job; even having the roof over your head at risk.. All just part of the balance...

Or would we rather just leave your soul curled up sleeping at the front door when you leave for work every morning???


New Member
that's very interesting because that is what I feel like when I leave for a "real" job every morning- there is security in knowing what my paycheck will be at the end of the week but on the other hand I long for the freedoms that owning my own business will afford me.


New Member
But along with the freedoms that self entrepreneurship brings it can also bring many headaches and worries. I love the freedoms but often despise the demands on my time that this brings.


Active Member
If the road to a successful business is not challenging then you are not pushing the business hard enough - in many ways giving up something dear to you is the only way to keep focused and motivated to ENSURE success rather than just trying to succeed. For many people its the difference between having a lot of money in the bank and taking your foot off the pedal or having to earn money today to pay the bills and feed yourself tomorrow. Those who go into business for a easy ride are likely in for a big shock!