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Package and Dispatch - where to begin?



New Member
I am starting to sell a product online very soon. I haven't got to grips with either packaging or dispatch/transport. What are the options? where would I find a short discussion of pros and cons and gotchas?

I think we can do the packaging without too much trouble and the parcels will all be the same: cylinders about 80cm long and 27cm dia wighing 3kg. What are the options for couriers or post? what options might I offer? How would returns work? or non-delivery? There must be plenty of problems I should be aware of.


New Member
I am starting to sell a product online very soon. I haven't got to grips with either packaging or dispatch/transport. What are the options? where would I find a short discussion of pros and cons and gotchas?

I think we can do the packaging without too much trouble and the parcels will all be the same: cylinders about 80cm long and 27cm dia wighing 3kg. What are the options for couriers or post? what options might I offer? How would returns work? or non-delivery? There must be plenty of problems I should be aware of.
you could join facebook groups regarding this and small business owners would guide you.