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My Good Friend Penny Haywood Sent Me This, And I Was Blown Away

Power Lunch Club

Power Lunch Club

New Member

I received an email from a very good friend of mine and PLC member Penny Haywood. The email at first seemed like a little bit of a joke, it was a link to a website promising to put my name on the front pages of ‘The Wall Street Journal’…but the message that was played on the website was so powerful I felt I had to share it with you.

The link to the website has one of the most encouraging messages in business that I have heard in a long time. And primarily is about saying, ‘B******* to this recession, lets go and make our business great, and here’s how to do it.’ The whole thing takes about 2 minutes, but it will help you have one of the best attitudes to making your business a real success through these tough times.


New Member
Re: My Good Friend Penny Haywood Sent Me This, And I Was Blown Aw

Thanks Gordon,
I'm inspired and gonna spread the word for this website. :thumbup: