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kids in business



New Member
i want to start business with my children aged 12 and 14 - they want to import some goods, customise them and sell on. Can children this age be involved in a business? something they are passionate about and i would like to help them with. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

thank you


New Member
In japan, the toy business planner involve television or bookshop or anime creator. (media mix)


New Member
i want to start business with my children aged 12 and 14 - they want to import some goods, customise them and sell on. Can children this age be involved in a business? something they are passionate about and i would like to help them with. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

thank you
yes your kids can be engaged in business with your guidelines and monitoring. You can also get then some kidpreneur books to equip themselves with knowledge about the same. Check out more info here>>>


New Member
i want to start business with my children aged 12 and 14 - they want to import some goods, customise them and sell on. Can children this age be involved in a business? something they are passionate about and i would like to help them with. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

thank you
Marty, my brother and I once started our own thing in our dad`s garrage, I was 16 at that time and my bro 14. We were customizing skateboards and selling services to friends at first and then to friends` friends and so on. At that time our parents were not too supportive, they just didn`t care much. We had our business for a couple of years and earned enough for our needs that time but unfortunately our thing never left the garage walls. Looking back now I see that maybe if our parents shared interest in our service and hepled us out financially or even morally there is quite a chance that our Skatomization would be live now. So I for sure rwcommend you supporting your kids but also remember not to take their thing over, your are just an observer who helps, not more, they only need support.


New Member
It is very good that your children want to do what they like and to earn some money. Nowadays everything is possible, some children are making millions. So, just give the sources they need and support them all the time, even if they make some mistakes. I am always helping my children when they need and I am very happy that I can give them a helping hand. Recently, they started to sell some toy guns, I was the first buyer, bought full auto nerf gun because it is my favorite one. Sometimes I help them with delivery, but sometimes we test together the guns they sell.