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Is it worth hiring an accountant?



New Member
Hi there my name is Isabel, and I just thought I’d introduce myself quickly! If I’m honest I’m really quite new to this whole forum thing, but a couple of friends use them a lot and praise how great the community and business advice is! So I figured I’d just give it a go as I’m a contractor and it’s always great to have a support team behind you when you move around jobs a lot! If I’m honest I’ve got a whole host of questions I’d love advice for aha, but I suppose I better start off with just the one! Essentially a few of my fellow ‘contractor’ friends have been starting to use an accountant to manage their finances, because they worked out they weren’t getting the most out of their pay or something. I was just wondering really if other contractors or consultants used any contractor accountants? I’ve been thinking about hiring one, but if I’m honest I didn’t want to get one if it wasn’t worth it. Does anyone have any experience with one? If so I’d love to know people’s opinions and thoughts. My friend sent me over a link to the contractor accountants called 3 Wise Bears that he uses - do these services sound like the sort of thing that other people have has experience with? They do sound good and it has made me deeply consider investing in an accountant but I just wanted a few other people’s opinions first! Thank you everyone! And sorry if I’ve rambled - I’m not entirely sure how long these posts are supposed to be so sorry if I’ve gone on a bit!


New Member

My personal opinion is that it's good to hire an accountant


New Member
Does anyone have any better answer or ideas regarding this?, If so, It will be good to share your thoughts and we can discuss it!. Also, you can read more about the accountant for business taxes here, I hope you get a clear idea about it!


New Member
Yes, obvisally when you will hire an accountant it will save your time and also money, an accountant will manage you all business and you can spend your all-time in generating new business instead of managing expenses and other things.

krishna kumar

New Member
yes you have to do it because it will help you to grow your company


New Member
To be honest, it depends what you require. For instance a mate of mine did his taxes himself and saved him bit of money. I think if you run a business its perhaps better to get an accountant, my dad has a online outlet and wanted to grow his business not just get the accounts done and think he got a company called Pearl Accountants to help him do the accounts and grow the business. So yeah, if your looking for business accountants then I'd say get an accountant otherwise why not save the money!


New Member
I have read this article and found it very informative. I have hired a professional accountantsAccountants and they dealing with my business accounts and helping me a lot.


New Member
Depending on the business, an Accountant can save you money by utilising different reliefs etc. Accountants do not deal with the past transactions only, rather they help you make good, well-informed decisions.


New Member
A good accountant will repay their fee many times over. If you worry about every small piece of money you spend, then you won't be succesful in business. It's important to invest in yourself and invest in your business.

An accountant has trained for 3 years, and they deal with HMRC every day. They know what you can and can't do. You won't come near doing the job of a good accountant


New Member
I'm sure it just depends on how good or bad you are at it.


New Member
Hiring an accountant, such as Omer & Company Accountants, can be a valuable decision for individuals and businesses, depending on your financial needs and circumstances. Here are some factors to consider when deciding whether it's worth hiring an accountant: Complexity of Finances, Tax Preparation, Risk Management, Financial Planning and is often worth it when your financial situation is complex, and you require expertise.