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Google rank checker tool

  • Thread starter Scottish Business Owner
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Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
I wonder what the seo experts would think of this Google rank checker tool i seemed to have stumbled across.

The Google Position Checker tool that this site have developed will automatically query Google's search engines. It checks if your URL appears in the first 1000 results for your chosen keywords. If the URL is present, it will output what position it occupies. They also have the exact same tool for Yahoo and MSN along with many other useful tools.

Google Rank checker Rank Finder Position checker Google Position Checker

What do the seo guys think of these types of tools? Are they not worth a second thought or can they be useful?


New Member
I find these tools quite useful, rather than going through serp to find the listing. Although I have read somewhere that search engines (or maybe just google) don't like you using these.

I'll try and find the link and post it . . .

Brian McIntosh

New Member
This may be a silly question then but, just how do you check where your site is ranked? Does Google have its own tool?

Nice banner by the way Tom.
Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
Tom - You are correct regarding the use of these on your own system, they are not a good idea and could result in your ip being banned. They also state on the site that it's not a good idea to over use it.

Brian - Google doesn't rank websites as such it ranks pages, this was a difficult thing for me to grasp when I first started out learning about this stuff. In terms of getting a page to rank well you use both on page and off page optimatisation. On page is things like a strong well optimised page title, well researched keywords (2-3 keywords/phrases per page) and meta descriptions. In addition a well written page helps. Off page tends to focus on good quality linking to that page and it's better if that link contains the keywords in it (anchor text). It's much more complex than that but I hope i've explained it a little. Maybe some of the seo guys can comment more :)


New Member
I was reading a really interesting articel about silo website design.

Silo Website Design


Silo Webdesign tutorial

I be curious to know what the seo guys with more experience think about it. I know everyone talks about getting quality inbound links but this talks about grouping content together and not diluting or bleeding your content.

Does anyone have any experience of it?



New Member
This may be a silly question then but, just how do you check where your site is ranked? Does Google have its own tool?

Nice banner by the way Tom.

Thanks snapper, had complely the wrong sizes like, but never mind.

If you've ever used Google analytics it shows you where your site ranks for in serps for keywords that your site came up in. Although i'm lead to believe that the information isn't that up to date, but improvements to Google Webmaster tools seem to be getting better all the time.


New Member
You ip can get banned for this but never heard of it happening Google webmaster does tell you this but you should do it manually time to time so you can keep an eye on your competators
Tim Barlow

Tim Barlow

New Member
Something else to consider - your rank on Google now varies from person to person and over time so it's no longer possible to accurately state that you are number 1 for a term.

This is one of the main reasons why we do our best to do as little rank checking as possible.


New Member
it varies because each person might be seeing diffrent data centers which the search engines have lots of to check how diffrent ranking can be in these centres check this tool out Google Data Centers Analysis Tool

The search engines do this to lighten the traffic load on their servers a ranking may change but will take time to filter through to all data centers
Tim Barlow

Tim Barlow

New Member
In addition to data centres though, ranks will vary from person to person based on the likes of search history, percieved location etc. It's possible to turn off personalised search but I am not convinced that that will stop all variations.

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