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Google Analytics



New Member
Hi guys.

I use Google Analytics to try and look at the data on my websites, but I'm not sure it's the most effective analytics or that I'm using it to its full effect. I can read the hits and landings and referring sites etc, but please can someone explain goals and conversions to me?

Thanks guys.


New Member
Hi Gutsy

Firstly, you are absolutely correct to be using Google Analytics, it is by far the most powerful, user-friendly dedicated analytics package out there - and it's free too which is great. However whilst the main reports are fairly straightforward, enabling goals, event tracking, advanced segments etc., which you should be utilising to track and corellate conversion data, are really advanced features of Google Analytics and it is not obvious how best to deploy these in the most effective way as all sites vary.

By far the best approoach is to first identify exactly what you want you site to achieve in terms of conversions e.g. sales, enquiries, downloads, sign ups etc. Then identify the areas of your site where those conversions will take place - once done you will be able to decide which of the tracking methods (above) is suited best to record and report that data to Google Analytics. Then you just need to be able to acces the reports, schedule their delivery by email (if required) and learn how to corellate the data so that you can be aware of what marketing source drove that conversion.

If you wish to track onclick site events such as email link clicks, download clicks, ad clicks etc. you will need to use event tracking which involves adjusting sections of page code and you may need help which this from your developer.

I spend much of my working day setting up custom reports, goals, event tracking & market segmentation reports for my clients so this is an area that I have considerable experience in.

I would like to go on in this post and explain what you need to do in order to set up the Google Analytics reports that you need but it would take far too long. However I would be more than happy to help you and any other of this forums' users to get the best from Google Analytics ... just contact me, regards Gavin (Aviemore Business Solutions)

Skype | abs-gavin
Twitter | @gavinfenton
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Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
Hi Gavin,

Why dont we get our heads together and maybe look at some blog posts of videos on this subject. I think it would be great for other users as well. Nothing too complicated maybe just the basics. :)


New Member

Yes thats a great idea, however having set up a lot of this stuff for clients and having to work with new GA features and functionality on a trial and error basis, I have spent a lot of time looking at forums, help centres, YouTube tutorials etc. Much of which have differing ways of aproaching site conversions and can, to be honest, confuse rather than educate.

I would however recommend (for those interested) a book on the subject "Advanced Web Metrics with Google Analytics" by Brian Clifton (second edition) for a one stop definative guide to all things GA - but be prepared for some pretty heavy reading.

regards, Gavin
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New Member
I agree with the members above, Google Analytic is by far means the best and FREE tool available online. There are other analytic/tracking tools provided by sites which give you tiny urls, but they aren't that comprehensive. All tools give you more or less the same information but its you how to use that information. Google Analytic is very customisable letting you make tailor made reports, which i love about it, to give you a thorough analysis. Play around with the tool its fun and obviously not dangerous :)


New Member
I have started to use it to analyse my site's performance and believe me I have been learning one or other new thing about it every day. It is one of the best techniques to study the performance of one's site. It has come up with some advance features as well which I am trying to explore as for now.