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Free Coaching Offer



New Member
Dear All,

There was a post elsewhere in the forum about the value (or not) of Coaching/Mentoring for Business Owners.The reviews were relatively mixed some very positive experiences some less so.In order to allow those who are interested but may not yet have taken the plunge and wish to experience the benefit of coaching or mentoring I have decided to offer the following to members of the SBF.

We have recently launched our new website at Home | L2L Training and as part of the launch I am offering the opportunity for 2 Individuals or business owners to get 3 months coaching for free.

So if you are curious about the benefits of a coach or are not quite sure what it is all about then now is the opportunity for you to find out .

Depending on the Business or Industry I may also be able to work as a mentor rather than a coach(You can find out about my background to see if it would be relevant on the About page of the site)

I am based near Glasgow so can organise face to face coaching for anyone within reasonable distance.For further afield I would have to charge travel expenses or we could utilise Telephone or web based Coaching(via Skype Webcam)which is equally as effective and can be very time efficient.

Currently I am able to take on only 2 people so it will be on a first come first served basis after we have had an initial discussion to see if there is a good fit.

If this is of interest or you want to find out more then either give me a call or drop me a PM via the Forum.
Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
Is no one taking Alan up on his very generous offer? To be honest I didn't want to steamroll in at the start and claim a place for myself but I think I would find this useful so Alan if the offer still stands I would like to take a place :)


New Member
Hi ,
Thanks for the message, I have had one lady take me up on the offer and would be delighted to work with yourself also. That would make my two from the SBF, however if someone wants to get back to me quickly then I could squeeze in another one.After that I would extend a discounted offer to members of the SBF but would have to close the door on the free programme for now( Have to eat occasionally ;)) so last orders at the for one more after !!
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nothing does

nothing does

New Member
I'd bee happy to take the second place if it's still going.


New Member
Hi David,

Sorry not been back to you yet-I am travelling at moment son not been as easy to access mails, I will get info to you over the weekend or beginning of the week if that is ok.
nothing does

nothing does

New Member
Hi David,

Sorry not been back to you yet-I am travelling at moment son not been as easy to access mails, I will get info to you over the weekend or beginning of the week if that is ok.

That's Brill. Thanks a mil.