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Favourite Wordpress Plugins

  • Thread starter Scottish Business Owner
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Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
OK i know alot of people on here use Wordpress in some shape or form. Plugins are a big part of Wordpress so I thought it would be useful if we could all share what plugin's we really like and why.

I'm gonna get my list together and the appropriate links so will post my favourites over the next few days. I thought it would be good though to just get this post out there to get other people's views :)


New Member
The first two that I've installed on my new blog (Aillum Blog) were:

All in One SEO Pack:
What it says on the tin. Allows easy onpage SEO within your wordpress blog, including noindex options for tag archives, categories and date archives.

Feedburner Feedsmith:
Very good if you use Feedburner for your blog feeds. Basically takes all the various ways in which wordpress creates feeds and points all of them to your feedburner feed. Means there aren't variations of your blog being downloaded by different people.

Will list more as and when I add them.
Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
This is actually a good reminder for me as I've came across a few more since I posted the initial thread. Brief outline and links below:-

Plugin Central - Allows you to update all Wordpress plugins at once but even better than that will allow you to move the plugins from one blog to another using plugin install.

Sexy Bookmarks - I love the integration of this! It basically allows you to add sharing buttons to the bottom of any Wordpress post or page. It does it in a sexy way though :p Check out a post on Scottish Business Blog to see it in action!

That's me for now but I will post more but let's hear your suggestions :)


New Member
WP Touch creates a mobile version of your site which shows up better on mobile browsers.

WP Sure Cache makes static versions of your pages which reduces load times if your site is quite heavy.

WP Polls allows you to create cool polls on your site.

Finally, for pricing tables I love uPricing. It's a premium pluging but well worth the money.

Jeff Hardy

"All In One SEO" plugin is best for wordpress website.


To add to the above mention plugins

Bad Behaviour - spam bot blocker
Broken Link Checker - handy tool
SS old urls - url redirections
Permalink editor - great tool
Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
Now this post is a blast from the past! :p

I'm glad it's actually been bumped as I've really grown to love Wordpress over the past year. So here's another contribution from me.

Contact Form 7 - Probably the most widely used and respected contact form plugin for Wordpress
Mailchimp - We absolutely love Mailchimp and this plugin allows us to insert a subscription box in our sidebar.
Smart YouTube Pro - A really easy way to embed YouTube videos in posts and pages.
Tweet Old Post - I really like this plugin. Does what it says and gets your content back out there.

Now I know a few people in this post have mentioned All In One SEO but my preference changed about six months ago to Wordpress SEO by Joost De Valk. Joost is probably one of the most respected authorities on Wordpress ad this plugin is amazing. I now use it on every site I own and I certainly think we get the benefit in the serps.


New Member
My most favourite wordpress Plugin is ALL IN ONE SEO and then THEME OPTION (this allow me to alter already developed themes according to my requirements)