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COVID -19 Support for Business



New Member
With the Government informing us of help for small companies ie support for businesses through the Coronavirus interruption loan scheme, is proving a lot harder than we thought.
Were a small pleasure boat company on the River Thames employ 3 people, the same as most small businesses we lost all our bookings and events some 3 weeks ago.
We applied for the loan scheme as soon as it was announced. To date were still awaiting to hear from our bank even after sending emails phone calls etc.

Our company cannot carry on for weeks without help, also another point is the cash grant that pay rates are covered but how about companies like ourselves who dont have an office but work from home etc. This needs to be sorted.

To all my fellow small businesses please stay safe
and l wish you well

King Cruises Ltd


Active Member
Hi @Gary ,

I work from home and I am in a simialr situation to you. I seem to fall through all of the cracks of the funding and help announced so far and will no doubt need to extend my business loans and overdrafts.

While I appreciate that the government cant help everyone I feel that small business are the ones greatest at risk, especially those of us who work for our companies.


Active Member
Have you heard about your application yet? While governments will never catch everyone in their support campaigns, there needs to be some flexibility for your situation (and many like you).


From what I hear, applicants are now starting to see loan money in their bank accounts but there is huge demand for many of the schemes. The logistics of this operation must be huge not to mention the threat of widescale fraud.


New Member
We understand that this time is difficult for everyone. Our goal is to provide you with the best possible service while maintaining our high standards. We have been working hard to ensure we can continue to serve you. We want to thank you for your business and hope you stay safe.


New Member
Hello. I am very grateful for such useful information for me.