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Calling Business in the West

John Clark 555

John Clark 555

New Member
Hi everyone

In my Procurement Consultancy, one of the constant questions raised by business owners trying to establish their company as a Supplier to Public Bodies, is how they find out who to contact across their chosen Customer Base.

The good news from East Renfrewshire Council is that they are making this easier. For their purchases below £25,000 - which do not need to follow the full EU Tendering Process, they have developed their own On-Line Trading Network. There is a simple Application Form which can be found at:
Supplier sign up form - East Renfrewshire Council

Application detils you provide are used to update the Council’s On-Line Trading Network and the information provided will be made available to all Council Departments. Although inclusion in the On-Line Trading Network will not guarantee any level of business. The Directory is used by Council Officers to source supplies and services, where the value falls below the limit which requires formal tenders to be invited (currently £25,000). Higher value contracts are advertised for open competition on the Public Contracts Scotland Website.

This development has not exactly been shouted from the rooftops, hence I thought that Forum members might welcome heads up.


New Member
Thanks for this John, hopefully some of the business owners visiting this forum will be able to utilise this opportunity.

Kind Regards

Employment Law Services

Employment Law Services

EmployEasily Legal Services
Great shout John.......and to anyone looking to tender for these sorts of contracts I'd personally recommend John as someone who can help you ensure your tender is as strong as it can be.
Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
Hi John,

This is a really encouraging step forward. I have to say the matter of public sector contracts seems very fragmented across the country and I would imagine it's a bit of a minefield for small businesses. I wonder if you'd be interested in doing something with Scottish Business Blog around this area?

I think you would be a great asset on this project and I think there could be upside for SBB as well if we could become a sort of hub for this sort of information.

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