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Are you investing enough in your computer?



If you were an outside caterer then you would need a relatively expensive van, if you were a designer you would need the best design software so why do many content writers seem to do with relatively cheap computers? Are you investing enough in your computer?


Surely you get what you pay for when it comes to computers? If they are central to your business then surely it makes sense to spend a little bit more for something decent?


New Member
I built my current PC around 10 years ago costing £3000. All I have done since then is add 2 SSDs. Still amazingly fast. BTW if you building a PC add a SSD. You will never look back.


Thanks for the input Barry, I am not sure that everybody has the confidence to build their own machine or indeed the knowledge. Do you have a computing background?


New Member
My work need good configuration PC, I only see the configuration and always update my pc after when new update comes. I did not mind regarding cost


New Member
Solid State Drives have at least dramatically improved baseline performance levels over the years. I'm a firm believer that the PC configuration needs to be relevant to the usage. The average Microsoft Office user is unlikely to realise the benefits of a Threadripper CPU with 64GB RAM.

If you're reading this and have an old computer that seems slow, then usually the first - best - easiest - and cheapest upgrade - would be to migrate to an SSD. Kingston do some great kits. Definitely something we're done a lot for clients.


New Member
It's very important to upgrade PC or laptop - speed it's the most important thing for me