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An example of Twitter power...

Gordon N

Gordon N

New Member
Having retweeted a message from Gordon about some office that I've never heard of (it's now reached denial!),I happened to be on the forums a few minutes later to find this...


There is a perfect example of Twitter driving traffic to your site. Nice one!
Hi Gordon N,

I'm new here and not sure what this twitter thing is about. How do you see these guest members? I can't see these things in your image. Have I not set up my membership properly?

Gordon N

Gordon N

New Member
I am sure there is nothing wrong with your account John, this is just a screenshot of the "Who's Online" page - a link for which can be found in the Quick Links menu at the top of the page. :)

Hope this helps...


New Member
I didn't know about this, but useful to find out. Still haven't got used to the whole twitter thing yet.



New Member
I am (just about) completely ignorant of these social networking sites – so I have probably missed something very obvious – can anyone tell me (in idiot / boy at the back of the class terms!!) how you would use twitter to drive traffic to your site?



New Member
I'm not actually a Twitterer (yet) but I'm guessing you'd tweet links to your blog posts or site and get friends to retweet them. (Okay I will admit, I hate this terminology, twitter, tweet ... why not chirp, bark or meow?)
Gordon N

Gordon N

New Member
Another example - I sent out a tweet about the free website competition last night just after midnight (most of my followers are international) and found this on the forum a few minutes later...
