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Would you ever go back to a previous employer?



First of all, we need to assume that you left the employer on friendly terms so in theory a return would not be out of the question. However, is it really the same going back? Have you moved on with regards to your career? What kind of package would you be expecting/receiving if you went back to a previous employer?


I have heard of people moving away from an employer and then coming back years down the line for a better salary. Apparently, if this is true, you would come back on the "appropriate salary" for someone with your experience which tends to be a lot more than those who attempt to work up the ranks within the same company. Anyone any experience of this?


New Member
Honestly, the problem in my last job was exactly the employer, who only pretended to be a cool employer who knew a lot.
I was on my way to a promotion for almost 4 months, but I was never promoted(


New Member
No. I don't think stepping back is good for development.