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Windows worm hits over 3 Million Users

  • Thread starter Scottish Business Owner
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Active Member
This is a case where (as much as I hate to admit it) isn't actually really Microsoft's fault.

The problem really boils down to users who aren't downloading and installing the latest patches that Microsoft are releasing.

I love how the BBC report states what should be the obvious:
"Microsoft says that the malware has infected computers in many different parts of the world, with machines in China, Brazil, Russia, and India having the highest number of victims."

Not necessarily because there's a lot more computers there, but because there's a lot more computers there with illegitimate copies of Microsoft Windows.

If you do not have a Valid Licence, Microsoft prevents you from downloading updates (which is fair enough). Places like China, where copyright theft isn't really frowned upon are obviously going to be high contenders for compromised machines.

Having said all that, if you haven't updated your Windows machine since reading that article (or my waffle) get your bum on here now!

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