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Why Revamping Your Site Could Easily Pay For Itself



Active Member
The world of websites and coding changes on a regular basis and unless you keep up to date with these changes your site can very quickly fall down the pecking order and start to look dated. If it cost a few grand to redesign/revamp your site, what would your initial thoughts be?

If your site is making money then a professional and appropriate revamp could and should increase income and profit. Even though the payback time for the cost of a revamp is often relatively short, taking in improved income, many people fall into the trap of putting off a redesign/revamp to their long term detriment. When they finally give in they may have already lost years of potentially higher income - it costs to keep up with the times and stay ahead of your competitors :)

An example, a site earning £100 a month before a revamp and £200 after, with a redesign cost of £2,000.

Old Site


Year 1 £1200/£1200
Year 2 £1200/£1200
Year 3 £1200/£1200
Year 4 £1200/£1200
Year 5 £1200/£1200

Income after 5 years £6,000
Profit £6,000

New Site


Year 1 £2400/£400 (after taking off cost of redesign)
Year 2 £2400/£2400
Year 3 £2400/£2400
Year 4 £2400/£2400
Year 5 £2400/£2400

Income after 5 years £12,000
Profit (after £2,000 redesign cost) £10,000

While you would probably expect a larger jump in income from such a low base, this gives you an idea of the benefits of investing in your website.