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Why Networking Isn't Selling [video]

  • Thread starter Scottish Business Owner
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Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
Here's a really great video from Andy Lopata about networking. It less than four minutes long but it really hits home about what networking isn't like the title says.

He says in the video that networking is about collaboration, it's about sharing ideas and contacts for everyone's benefit.

Definitely worth a watch and would love your comments below. What does networking mean to you?

Gemma Rowlands

Gemma Rowlands

New Member
I think the key thing that people need to remember is not just collaboration, however important that is, but that it is PROACTIVE. If you just give people your contact details and then hope for the best, you're never, ever going to get anywhere. But if you talk to them, find out what they need, and let them know how you can provide them with that, you can definitely get a lot further. Don't just sit tight and hope for the best. Almost everyone can achieve more together than alone, but if you just sit and wait for that person to appear, it's never going to happen.
Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
I think most people are guilty of not keeping in touch often enough - I know I certainly am!

I've started using on online CRM system called Nimble which actually has a keep in touch feature built into it. My aim is to start making use of this ASAP :)

Pete Brindle

New Member
I think most people are guilty of not keeping in touch often enough - I know I certainly am!

When I ran my previous business I was useless at keeping in touch. At least now I'm in charge of kids the only people I have to keep in touch with are the parents, and I see them every week anyway. I have staff to do the business side of things really, and to be honest it's just as well.
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Mike Turner

New Member
I think the key thing that people need to remember is not just collaboration, however important that is, but that it is PROACTIVE. If you just give people your contact details and then hope for the best, you're never, ever going to get anywhere. But if you talk to them, find out what they need, and let them know how you can provide them with that, you can definitely get a lot further. Don't just sit tight and hope for the best. Almost everyone can achieve more together than alone, but if you just sit and wait for that person to appear, it's never going to happen.

I agree with this. If you network you need to network effectively, it's not about just speaking to people, that's pretty useless to be honest. I feel as though I'm quite good at this though, I can make people want to talk to me, and that often works out quite well for us when it comes to getting business.


New Member
Networking often works best when you don't try. I've intentionally tried to network, but most of the time business contacts I have are one's that I've become aquainted with by chance.