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Why Don't Apple Use Social Media?



New Member
I'm no Apple fan. In fact personally, I don't own and don't want a single Apple product. We don't use them in our studio, never have - I doubt if we ever will...

What I do find interesting about them though is how they create and sustain the Apple myth! And here's an interesting commentary on just one aspect of it.



New Member
Staff member
I found that extremely interesting - not something I have ever thought of before. Makes you think ;)


New Member
It's worth noting that this doesn't seem to be the result of any great prescience on the part of these brands; a dozen or so years ago there was concern in some circles that the new forms of social media platform would become 'echo chambers for the ignorant the rudderless and the mentally feeble' - indeed, some said that was part and parcel of their design and purpose! - So the decision that this 'wasn't a wining game' for those at the 'top end' of the market seems to have been quite a calculated one!


New Member
Staff member
What better way to make your brand stand out from the masses than essentially ignoring social media :)

The way in which the worldwide media hangs on every comment from Apple shows how successful this strategy has been. However, Apple still make mistakes in business - but as they say in the pharma industry, they bury their dead at night when nobody can see.


New Member
Apple make many mistakes... There is a good reason why, for instance, in what is essentially an engineering-lead business, and flying in the face of convention, we do not now and never have used Apple products.

It's significant though that in marketing terms the clever money adopted a similar strategy. - One might even say ironic that the company that dines out on style over substance, feasts on its rejection at home. :D
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New Member
I guess that they making enough money already without social media, their products not cheap that not everybody can afford it.


New Member
They do advertising on social media sites like Facebook & Twitter, so technically, they use social media :)
Business Upside

Business Upside

Apple's reticence on social media is partly because it doesn't need to be there — it doesn't need to prod users to buy its products.


New Member
Because customers security is their main priority
Ziporal Mothis

Ziporal Mothis

New Member
Apple may use social media to a certain extent, but the company is selective in how they use it and the channels they use. Apple uses social media primarily for brand promotion, customer service, and product launches. Apple is known for being highly protective of its brand identity and extremely selective about the type of content it posts, which may be why it is not as active on social media as other brands. Additionally, Apple prefers to have more control over its communication with customers, which is why its customer service is primarily provided through its website, Apple Support Communities, and telephone.

Brandon Kooper

New Member
Apple's marketing strategy focuses more on product launches, events, and word-of-mouth marketing, leveraging exclusivity and anticipation rather than social media advertising.
Adam NN

Adam NN

New Member
I think everyone also understands how much this is all purchased marketing with their virtual reality glasses where people supposedly walk on the streets in them.