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Who wants a free* website?

Hi All

i am offering the first 5 forum members a free website. This is due to the company being busy enough to give something back, and we all love to showcase our talents dont we :p

All i will charge for is domain name registration and hosting (which is


New Member
I'll says yes. I've emailed you already and I'll even stake my claim by being the first to reply to you :D
Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member

What about people who already have domains and hosting. How does this offer work for them?

originally the offer was in conjunction with my host who is offering substancial discounts for hosting more sites, however it is also aimed at helping people gain a web presence so its open to all.


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New Member
Jamie, where have you disappeared to?

I sent you an email last week re the website but haven't heard back from you.

Can you email me back or PM me please?