I'd suggest that there is a reason for this...
In some cases these days, when people ask that question, it is actually loaded! - Are you a leader or a follower? Do you work by rote or by method? Established and confident, or wannabe and desperate? - Or are you a manipulator of the ignorant and the rudderless?
Cynical? moi?
Again, this comes down to how appropriate (or irrelevant) these platforms are to your particular business. FaceBook and Twitter are both (infantilised and infantilising) channels that direct at the general public - and, if we're brutally honest about it, a particular set of demographics which do not really include the cutting edge; except insofar as it might be hacking pounds of flesh from the great unwashed!
These are both platforms that provide 'computing' for the computer illiterate... And basically they're there to shift the technology that supports them to consumers, who would otherwise have no use for such machines. There is precedent for this...
I often find myself repeating the point, but one of the very first uses ever found for a personal computer with a modem was 'social media' in the form of dial-up bulletin boards. History even takes us much further back than that! Think (or google if you must) PLATO, Talkomatic, Usenet and - particularly - the old Compuserve Forum structure... At that point 'the wheel was invented' in terms of reasonable ease of access and usability. And at that point,
some say, the rot set in! ...Because you then saw the rollout of dumbed-down consumer-oriented platforms such as AOL.
Take a quick look at this American ad from almost 20 years ago...
...Six Degrees anyone? - Who's heard of this mid-90s effort that platform built an audience with immense potential for profits but, in the process of capitalizing on that potential, alienated the audience that made it popular in the first place? A very common pattern! Livejournal? - Its ghost still walks in chains they tell me!
Meetup? Friendster? MySpace? Bebo? - It's not so many years since all my students communicated with each other via MSN. And what about Orkut?
...It's all a bit 'CNN'! Clearly Nothing New!
If I was irritated ten years ago by all the self-appointed 'so-shall meeja' experts selling snake oil (most of whom could barely switch on a computer) I think much of the world has caught onto it now. - I say these platforms - particularly the large ones - always have an end-game in mind. And that users caught up in this tide are at various stages,
lagan, and increasingly these days
Tides flow, tides turn... If you're visiting Venice by all means take a boat trip and enjoy the view, but it's rarely necessary and not desirable to jump in and swim with Le feci! Especially when you're close to the time the canals are due to be flushed out!