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What Software Do You Legally Own For Your Business?



New Member
And how much of your monthly expenses does it make up?

I personally own a couple of XenForo licenses which are a small annual cost, and then I have Adobe Creative Cloud which costs me £47/month (I think). I'm considering scaling this back to just the Photoshop package at £7.

I also have Microsoft Office, but that's on a lifetime license.
St Rhenium

St Rhenium

New Member
I have the monthly Microsoft Office subscription, I think it's 7 or 8 pounds per month. I have other paid software, but that's mainly for personal use - things like iSkysoft Media Converter and Internet Download Manager.


New Member
We use Custom Developed Software for our business developed by the company name "Cubix,"
Matt Rumbelow

Matt Rumbelow

New Member
And how much of your monthly expenses does it make up?

I personally own a couple of XenForo licenses which are a small annual cost, and then I have Adobe Creative Cloud which costs me £47/month (I think). I'm considering scaling this back to just the Photoshop package at £7.

I also have Microsoft Office, but that's on a lifetime license.
Out of curiosity, what do you use Photoshop for? I dislike it for anything other than photo editing.

John Sanchez

New Member
It will depend for what things do you need the software, try always to use legal software.


New Member
I am not too good with software, so I had to ask for a professional to develop the system software application for our company.
Very respectful of people who are good at it.


New Member
For which purpose you want to use a software in your business? Please explain, then i can guide you, which one is best for you.