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What motivates us

  • Thread starter Scottish Business Owner
  • Start date


New Member
Thanks for posting this.
It's one of the most interesting vids I've seen on You Tube and the illustrations are great.

I have heard this before. I saw a motivational speaker about 15 years ago who spoke about the same thing and gave some great examples to illustrate the point. It certainly helped me to understand why I wasn't able to motivate myself at that time.

I do wish they had covered the answers though. They made the statement and posed the question, what does motivate people in those groups but didn't tell us the answer.

I'd also be interested to learn what everyone else thinks.


New Member
I've watched this video before and think it's fantastic.

If this is the sort of stuff that gets you interested, then I'd recommend a read of the brilliant "Predictably Irrational - The hidden forces that shape our decisions" by Dan Ariely.

It talks in depth about tests carried out based on incentives, "free" offers and so on that demonstrate how such things motivate and influence peoples decisions.

Good read.