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What does your Facebook profile picture say about you?

  • Thread starter Scottish Business Owner
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New Member
I read this this other day and it did make me think, mainly because my facebook profile picture is not a picture of me but the very funny Terry Tibb's from FaceJacker.

I do find the whole thing quite interesting, even looking at the profile pictures on this site as well.


New Member
It is quite funny as I spent a disproportionate of time picking my pictures for Twitter / Linkedin etc, but just flung up one of me with my 2yr old son on Facebook.

The difference to me is that I use my Facebook profile fairly strictly as a friends / family communication tool but use others, such as Twitter, to network / generate leads / spread the good name and all - and therefor don't want to spread pictures of my son all over tinterweb.

Having said that, the picture of me and my son would probably be less off-putting than the ugly mug that people are exposed to on my twitter account :crying:

Judge for youselves: Brian Tait (taitbw) on Twitter


New Member
My personal profile picture is a rare photogenic picture of me as I rarely take a good picture. It was taken quite a few years ago as well ;) I think I am desperately trying to hold on to my youth!
On my business facebook page I just rotate pictures of tiaras being worn.


New Member
Interesting topic. I think most people do agonise over what picture to use as their profile. It's like meeting someone for the first time - you're not going to do it in your PJs and Ugg boots.

My personal profile pic on Facebook is a cartoon version of me, which I paid someone to do.

For my Twitter and LinkedIn profile pics I used a portrait (sounds rather grand) that my niece drew of me, which I love and everyone tells me it's a great likeness. I get a lot of comments on it, because it's so different, and helps me stand out.

And I think I just look better through someone else's eyes...

Love your rotating tiaras Dizzy Diza - that's a great idea :)


New Member
Thank you Nicky. I like to think it keeps peoples interest to see a different tiara picture on my business page.

I can now say that I have an up to date picture of myself on my personal profile. I was at a wedding down south and I got hubby to take a picture of me wearing one of my designs and a necklace. Again it is a rare photogenic picture of me and if I say so my self I dont look to bad for some one that has recently had their 47th birthday ;)


New Member
Definitely a great marketing idea Dizzy D :)

I don't know what your personal FB is, but judging from the top of head you don't look 47 ;)
Business Upside

Business Upside

According to the research, agreeable people choose soft, cluttered, less aesthetically pleasing images than their counterparts, though they do display positive emotions, like joy.


New Member
Using calming and visually appealing pictures on your Facebook page can be an effective way to engage your audience, create a positive impression, and convey a sense of relaxation and tranquility.