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What are your main targets when things go back to normal?

  • Thread starter lookingforadvice
  • Start date


As the UK continues to ease ever so slightly out of lockdown, I was just wondering what your main targets are when things “go back to normal”. Are you looking to increase marketing, address staffing issues, look at stock, promotions or something else? What is your main focus in the short-term?


My main target is to steady the ship, trim costs where I need to and then start the plan for the future. If you haven't got a plan in place yet then you could come seriously unstuck when life returns to any degree of normality.


Active Member

Joking aside, over the next few months many businesses will just be looking to make ends meet and then hopefully get themselves back on a firmer footing when the economy finally begins to recover.


I have a suspicion that the media tend to highlight the "bad behaviour" some people have towards coronavirus safety procedures. Are things really as bad as the media is suggesting?
Business Upside

Business Upside

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the world and left countless people longing for a pre-pandemic way of life. That desire is likely only further straining our mental health.


New Member
Mine is to continue going more digital, things going back to normal is a questionable point, everything can change in any moment so we have to pe prepsred. I try to make my work as much online as I can, mostly indepandant from all the previous factors so I have an ability to work and earn no matter what.