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What Are The Must Have Android Phone Apps?

  • Thread starter Scottish Business Owner
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Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
Yep I can't still quite believe I've ditched my iPhone but I have!

I've just got a new HTC One M8 and am still quite chuffed with it after a few days :p

Do you have an Android phone? What would you consider to be the best apps? Is it just the same as the iPhone or is there some killer apps I should know about?

I haven't installed many apps other than egenral type stuff so far so hoping you all can give me some hints and recommendations :)
More 4 Mums

More 4 Mums

New Member
I find evernote is really useful as you can sync with your computer at home and make notes on the go.
Also dropbox for moving images and files around from one to the other.
Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
Thanks Lynn :)

I have Evernote installed. To be honest I'm so dependent on it now I should have some shares :p

I'm heavily invested in Google Apps so tend to use Google Drive over Dropbox. Nothing against Dropbox as it's a great product.
Gemma Rowlands

Gemma Rowlands

New Member
Right - I've had an iPhone for 4 years and have said that I would never want to change it. However I am realising that there are a number of apps that Androids can get that iPhones can't, and as a result of that I'm seriously considering a change when I next upgrade. That and, of course, the price tends to be a lot more reasonable for non-Apple devices!