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Understanding motivation


Ed McCosh

New Member
Pleasure or pain?

In terms of motivation, we either move towards something we'd like or away from something we don't like. And we tend to move away from pain before we move towards pleasure. For example, if you were locked in a room you'd be more motivated to try to get out if the room was on fire than if there was a financial reward. So if there's an area where you want to take action, think of the consequences of not acting to get yourself moving.

Beware the trap

Beware of only using away from motivation for yourself (or others.) For example, if your aim is 'not to be broke' then you'll be motivated to work until you aren't broke, but then your desire tails off - until you are near broke again. Similarly if someone's motivation is 'not to lose their job', then they will work just hard enough not to lose their job.

Use away from motivation to start taking action and then towards motivation to continue taking action.

What stops you?

Sometimes we don't take action because part of us believes that taking action could lead to more pain than doing nothing. In reality this is very rarely the case, but it can be hard to see things differently by yourself.

How to change

If you want something to be different, here's a tip: Do something different!

Simple, yet highly effective. So often people want to make a change, but keep doing the same thing.
Power Lunch Club

Power Lunch Club

New Member
Brilliant post Ed, thanks for sharing it.

Folks I had the please of meeting Ed a few weeks back at one of Craig McMurdo evenings....and he's a really nice chap.

Ed, take a few moments and go to the introduce yourself section....we'd love to get to know you better.

Kind regards

Ed McCosh

New Member
Thanks Gordon (I'll pay you later ;)

Have put a brief intro up now.