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Today's Triumphs..


Pete Brindle

New Member
It was a relief, and I have now started handing them out. Seeing the looks on some of their faces when they see a good report is just excellent.
Gemma Rowlands

Gemma Rowlands

New Member
Only a couple more days to go until I finish work for the summer, and it actually looks as though I've tied up all of the loose ends for once!

Pete Brindle

New Member
Only a couple more days to go until I finish work for the summer, and it actually looks as though I've tied up all of the loose ends for once!

I can't even count the number of times I've gone away on holiday and had phone calls from the other tutors because I've forgotten to do something. Make sure you have finished everything or the same might happen to you!
Gemma Rowlands

Gemma Rowlands

New Member
Today I have been awarded a job that pays just enough money to cover a bill that I was seriously worried about. Sometimes I do believe that things happen for a reason, and this does seem to be one of those times for sure!

Pete Brindle

New Member
We now have access to the building that we're acquiring full time, as the business who were in there have decided that they will move out earlier. So we're thinking that perhaps we can be completely up and running in January rather than next September as I had estimated before.

Mike Turner

New Member
Signed with a minibus company to do all their repair work. Was doing a lot of it anyway but this makes it official for a year and then fingers crossed it will carry on but it means a lot more business for us which is great news. And it might also mean that we're able to attract other clients because it means we'll be getting fantastic experience in repairing minibuses which is something we weren't particularly known for before.
Gemma Rowlands

Gemma Rowlands

New Member
It is the beginning of a new week, and I know that I have enough work to see me right through to the end of the week, almost without being able to take a breath I think! So that's good news, and something I'm pleased about. I don't like it when I have to spend too much time looking for work or doing filler activities that aren't bringing any money into the company!

Pete Brindle

New Member
Worked out the figures for pupil retention now that we've had a full week back in the music school, and we have only lost four pupils over the summer who wouldn't have left due to age anyway. Considering we have new pupils, and plenty of returning ones, that is definitely a good thing! You always get a few of the kids who lose interest, so it's not a huge concern when a handful don't return.

Mike Turner

New Member
Managed to finish early for the day. Left some of the younger lads in charge. I was a bit wary but know I need to show I can trust them, plus all of the jobs that are on this afternoon they've done a million times before. So let's see if the place is still standing next time I go in!
Gemma Rowlands

Gemma Rowlands

New Member
Finished a book that I have been working on for six months. It's by far the longest and most difficult we've ever had sent through our company, but it is very rewarding, and I have a feeling that it's going to be big when it finally gets released. Only time will tell on that front, I suppose, but I am getting quite excited about it. I am looking forward to a bestseller (please let it be one) because our commission is ace on it!

Mike Turner

New Member
Finished a book that I have been working on for six months. It's by far the longest and most difficult we've ever had sent through our company, but it is very rewarding, and I have a feeling that it's going to be big when it finally gets released. Only time will tell on that front, I suppose, but I am getting quite excited about it. I am looking forward to a bestseller (please let it be one) because our commission is ace on it!

Well done you! I'd love that kind of income, where the work is done in advance and you carry on reaping the rewards in the future. Not much chance of that in my job though! However we have received some decent feedback on some work carried out last week so that's my triumph for the day.
Gemma Rowlands

Gemma Rowlands

New Member
Non business related, but I have officially started my Christmas shopping! I try to spread it out over a couple of months so that the cost isn't too high, and I've just bought one or two things that were on special offer. I won't do most of it until much later in the year, but I feel as though something has been done now, and that can only be a good thing in my opinion!

Lauren Turner

New Member
I have just started making our Halloween things, and have managed to sell a couple already, even though they weren't officially on sale yet! So that's boosted my confidence that they're things that people are actually going to like and enjoy.
Gemma Rowlands

Gemma Rowlands

New Member
I have just started making our Halloween things, and have managed to sell a couple already, even though they weren't officially on sale yet! So that's boosted my confidence that they're things that people are actually going to like and enjoy.

Halloween sales already that's great! Seasonals must be a great business for you. And of course if you don't sell certain things, you could always just save them for next year!

Mike Turner

New Member
Finally received a battery that has been on order for four days. The client was really getting annoyed even though it was out of my control, and it's never nice to be yelled at about something that you literally cannot do anything about.
Gemma Rowlands

Gemma Rowlands

New Member
Managed to nip out for lunch for the first time in "I can't even remember". So I must be getting better at the whole delegation thing, right?!

Lauren Turner

New Member
I went on a really long walk this morning, which was great because I need more exercise. It was almost an hour, which I usually struggle to put aside out of my day, so that made me feel good. Hopefully it will give me plenty of energy for later on, as I have lots to do before we go to the fireworks this evening!

Mike Turner

New Member
Exercised today! A bit of a jog before work (TO work, actually) is all I need to be able to set myself up for a really good day! Early lunch now to add to that, and the job's a good one!
Gemma Rowlands

Gemma Rowlands

New Member
I've been shopping this morning and have bought a lot of things for Christmas, most of which have been in budget. I don't have much more that I need to get now, so I am very pleased with myself indeed.

Pete Brindle

New Member
I think I've done our Christmas concert timetable to mean that the kids only have to be in one place at once.. which is obviously what we're aiming for. I've handing them out but am sitting with my fingers crossed half expecting the phone to ring to say I've double booked someone - and if I have, I'll have to swap lots of other people round because you have to have certain instruments at each of the concerts.