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Time to increase your marketing budget ahead of lockdown exit?



As some parts of the UK move towards an exit from the lockdown, is now time to increase your marketing budget so that you can hit the ground running? Alternatively, if you cut back on marketing then surely you will struggle to attract business in the short to medium term? Is it now time to use your coronavirus bailout funding? Any views…
Business Upside

Business Upside

Even though the pandemic situation couldn’t have been worse, but it can be said that the worst part is over. Even though there have been quite a few losses in business and other financial areas, this is the best time to expand the financial marketing budget.


New Member
It's pretty wise movements to those companies, who are going to get attention of users online, if it's all about SEO for websites, etc.


New Member
Depends on what you are selling. I think if you can spend some money on marketing still, as always just make sure it is effective. Dont spend for the sake of spending and just remember, the economy can always get worse, the US stock market is higher than before corona = mental. The impact has not been felt yet (yes im a pessimist).