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Time For A Stock Market Index Of Scottish Companies?



New Member
I think it might be a useful thing for some enterprising IT tech with time on their hands to do. We do live in a world where the tail of (often vacuous) statistics wag the dog of reality. And, if done in a truly honest and objective way - which I don't think was what happened in relation to that article - the analysis might give a clue to 'something'. - What, exactly, I'm unsure...


New Member
Staff member
It might give a general trend for Scottish based companies but they are likely to have most of their sales outside of Scotland so, as you say, it will show something but not sure what.


New Member
As you might expect ;) I'm also uncomfortable with the notion that watching the statistical performance (which in itself is easily pauchled) of a tiny minority, actually reflects the reality of Scottish (or for that matter British) business...