Scottish Business Owner
New Member
Are you a business start-up, small established business or thinking of starting a commercial venture? Come to Biggart Baillie’s Think Business free event to have the unique opportunity to discuss a variety of issues facing new and established businesses in the current market. We will have lawyers on-hand to talk to you about business matters including intellectual property, employment, doing business on-line, debt recovery, structuring your business, leasing or buying property, negotiating with the bank, finance and litigation.
Feel free to drop in any time or leave any time between 4.30pm and 7pm when your hosts Damien Bechelli and Chris McLeish, Partners in our Corporate and Property departments plus other experts, will be on hand to discuss your specific questions or concerns with you on a one-to-one basis.
The event is free but spaces are limited to 40 so please book now.
Event Link: