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The UK not out of Recession



New Member
I have to agree with Matt on this one Phil, i just don't see the value in generic post each day.

What i do think is that you can offer your expertise on currency transfers etc.

Kind Regards



New Member
Hi Neil, put in a polite way I will answer. If you don't see the point that is perfectly fine; Don't read them. I don't read you posts about book keeping, If I had a book keeping requirement I possibly would. I think Matt seems to have very little to do other than hang around the forum gunning for anything that does not interest him. Perhaps he should put his efforts into SEO and web design his site needs it. Your opinion is a valid one to you. Other people might and do think differently. As for the cut and paste comment. All fx and indeed news items have an element repeat comments, that is the nature of the beast. I do try most of the time to keep mine original. However I have been sick for about a month and so my time has been restricted a little.
Well frankly Phil you ARE the one being rude now... Which is something I haven't been to you despite your efforts to twist things otherwise... Seems I have hit a raw nerve... and I note you continue to evade the question..

In my opinion you're abusing the forum. Your posts seem to exist for the sole purpose of generating links back to your own site; and they are pretty much just cut and paste... There's nothing new; no analysis, which is pretty much the point you're avoiding....

Despite posting daily you've added little or nothing by way of debate or conversation or contribution to this community... Many many 'business oriented' boards exist out there; and most are absolutely worthless because there's no real community there... Merely gaggle-upon-gaggle on snake-oil salesmen all trying to shout above each other's heads....

SBF is different in that respect... There is little or no SPAM here... It's never really been tolerated...

Matt FYI DOES have plenty to do... The things that don't interest me I ignore... But if I smell a rat then yes; I've a spare potshot or two in reserve...

As for your bitchily-sad comments about my site... Who the hell are you to tell me what to do with my own resources that I pay for? who do you imagine you are to try and tell me how to run my business? I've been in business for the sharp end of a quarter-century... seen 'em come, seen 'em go... And day-on day I've plenty to keep myself and others in work; its been that way for a long long time and shows no sign of letting up... Which is nice!

As I've stated quite clearly in the past, I've no interest in SEO. The website is merely a reference point for the business. It plays very little part in generating new leads; it doesn't have to... Not that this is any of your concern...

So; what IS the point of your posts Phil? Or is it simply that there IS none save to bolster your own SEO efforts and that's why you're avoiding the question?


New Member
You seem to be a very big sado. Like I said if you don't like them don't read them. I am glad you are busy despite your website, that's good. If the owner of the forum does not want me to post than I will stop but you seem to be fixed on what iam or not doing. Is it your little fantasy?? There is a saying, while you have your finger pointing at me you have THREE fingers pointing at yourself. Now go away little man and get on with what you do if you are that busy.
You seem to be a very big sado. Like I said if you don't like them don't read them. I am glad you are busy despite your website, that's good. If the owner of the forum does not want me to post than I will stop but you seem to be fixed on what iam or not doing. Is it your little fantasy?? There is a saying, while you have your finger pointing at me you have THREE fingers pointing at yourself. Now go away little man and get on with what you do if you are that busy.

STILL avoiding the question Phil? :rolleyes:

Oh dear... And such a polite, mature, well-considered answer too...

There is another saying Phil; You lie down with dogs and you get up with fleas... Must go; things to do, other than cutting-and-pasting from other people's websites...:thumbdown:


New Member
Well, most of the online casinos are still working and I see no government's intention for shutting them down. At least, I know for sure that is a reliable place providing real winnings and cash.