New Member
Seen this on the 38 Degrees site so thought I would post here also 
Did you see this email about devolution in Scotland? The Smith Commission are meeting for the first time tomorrow to decide which powers Scotland should get.
Let’s make sure they’re flooded with the views of real people, not just businesses and politicians, when they sit round the table.
Click below to submit your views to the Smith Commission. Not sure how to write it? There are some paragraphs to get you started at this link >> https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/page/speakout/scotland-devolution-commission?js=false
Here are a few links where you can read more about devolved powers in Scotland:
The Scottish Parliament: Devolved and reserved matters explained:
The Smith Commission: Guidelines for submission:
Common Weal: The Key Ideas:

Did you see this email about devolution in Scotland? The Smith Commission are meeting for the first time tomorrow to decide which powers Scotland should get.
Let’s make sure they’re flooded with the views of real people, not just businesses and politicians, when they sit round the table.
Click below to submit your views to the Smith Commission. Not sure how to write it? There are some paragraphs to get you started at this link >> https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/page/speakout/scotland-devolution-commission?js=false
Here are a few links where you can read more about devolved powers in Scotland:
The Scottish Parliament: Devolved and reserved matters explained:
The Smith Commission: Guidelines for submission:
Common Weal: The Key Ideas: