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The number one marketing secret revealed....

Power Lunch Club

Power Lunch Club

New Member
Your marketing doesn’t work because you are trying to GET something. Your attention and activities are focused on trying to get clients to work with you. And paradoxically, in trying to get clients, you actually push them away.

At networking meetings, in calls to past clients, even in letters, it’s all about you and your services. You fail to remember that everyone else, including your prospective clients, are also preoccupied with themselves and frankly don’t care much about what you HAVE or can DO or KNOW. In fact they’re downright indifferent about you!

What our prospects are looking for is the promise of a solution to a nagging problem, pain or predicament. What they want information on is how that problem, pain or predicament can be resolved once and for all. By providing good solid information about the solutions we provide, our prospects can put themselves in the place of our past clients and see themselves getting the same kind of results.

Courtesy of Robert Middleton
Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
I think it's even more relevant in the current environment. People are starting to look for suppliers to give them more value before committing to spend any money.

We, We, We doesn't work. As Iain say focus on the client 100% :)