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The Difference between Goals and Plans



New Member
Success in personal development or business development, as in every activity you are engaged in.........Always Begins with a Plan.

I am often asked what's the difference between personal and business development.....well if you're the entrepreneur, or sole trader or MD of your enterprise......very little!

When you grow.....your business will grow and vice versa.

Im sure we've all heard the saying that 'if you fail to plan....then you're planning to fail'.

People who are successful at anything usually work very hard to achieve their goals. But these people don't just randomly work hard. They have goals and plans that are very specific and you should too.

The difference between Goals and Plans

You can define goals and plans however you want. However, usually goals are where you want to end-up and plans are how you think you can get there. For example, you're ultimate goal might be to spend more time with your family, get fit, or grow your business or generate an extra £100.00 or 5000 rubles today, this week or this month.

It doesn't really matter what 'currency' you work in, in order to achieve the above you have to make very specific plans for how you'll spend more time with your family, or how to attract more customers, what new products you want to create, and what you will need to do to earn the extra money this month or whatever.

The Kipling paradyme gives a simple but effective guide and questions to help our planning and goal setting -

'I have six honest serving men, who taught me all I knew.....their names were ...... What and Why and When ....and How and Where and Who'.

There is also a statement I use which teaches how to incorporate the above paradyme into all your planning sessions........ 'success is a few simple disciplines practised .....every day!'

You've heard it said 'that an apple a day....keeps the doctor away' WHAT if that's true?

Ask yourself these following questions:

What am I trying to achieve
Why am I trying to achieve it
When do I want to have completed it
How can I best deliver my plan or activate my goals
Where would I need to be for it to happen
Who do I need to talk to for help with my plan or goals

Setting Goals

Always have a goal and always know clearly what that goal is. But you don't want to become too concerned with the goal. This could overwhelm you and distract you from the things you need to do each and every day to reach that goal.

You should also set more than one goal so that you can achieve a goal every few weeks or at least every few months. So if your goal is to become financially independant, begin with a goal of making a couple of changes each day/month.

Start with spending less or saving more or earning more. Start small and I guarantee that the small sucesses will lead you to greater ones.

Making Plans

While having goals is important, having a plan (or plans) is even more crucial. The plans are the steps you need to take to achieve your goals. Without plans your goals will forever be unrealized dreams.

You should always have a plan for every project you want to complete. You also need to make a plan for what you want to do every single day. Then follow the plan and make sure you complete what you need to finish according to the plan.

Goals and Plans are your Map to Success.

Without goals and plans,you might as well as be playing the lottery because we'll have about the same odds to succeed. Goals and plans are just that important.

Make attainable goals that are tiered so that you can reach a goal at least every few months. Then make detailed plans that will allow you to reach your goals. If needed, you can always adjust your plans if something unforeseen happens.

Just don't ever completely lose sight of your goal and don't ever stop planning to reach that ultimate goal.

'Success is a journey.......not a destination'

Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member

We really must make a point of getting these brilliant posts on the blog! This is timeless information and I could leverage it alot more on the blog.

Anyway back to the subject. I find goal setting very difficult and i've spoke in a few threads recently about not really feeling that i'm heading in any definite direction. Maybe I have too much on and that's what's causing the uncetainty.

Another thing I have spoken again a few times which is also relevant is it's fine and well setting both goals and plans but who's there to hold you accountable and make sure you stay on track. If it's left up to just me well......

Maybe someone needs to just give me a good shake and tell me that it's all my doing and i'm the only one who can fix it. You've made some brilliant points that i'd love to be able to recall and check myself on on a regular basis but the hustle and bustle of life probably means by tomorrow it's replaced by some other information.

A really good post though and i'll stop ranting now :)
Employment Law Services

Employment Law Services

EmployEasily Legal Services

We really must make a point of getting these brilliant posts on the blog! This is timeless information and I could leverage it alot more on the blog.

Anyway back to the subject. I find goal setting very difficult and i've spoke in a few threads recently about not really feeling that i'm heading in any definite direction. Maybe I have too much on and that's what's causing the uncetainty.

Another thing I have spoken again a few times which is also relevant is it's fine and well setting both goals and plans but who's there to hold you accountable and make sure you stay on track. If it's left up to just me well......

Maybe someone needs to just give me a good shake and tell me that it's all my doing and i'm the only one who can fix it. You've made some brilliant points that i'd love to be able to recall and check myself on on a regular basis but the hustle and bustle of life probably means by tomorrow it's replaced by some other information.

A really good post though and i'll stop ranting now :)

- have you considered getting a Business Coach? I know a great one (Forbes Bryce: ActionCoach)
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New Member
Hi ..... this is a good place to rant!

Quite happy for any of the threads/posts I have started/replied to - to be used in the blog, as you think applicable, no worries with that.

You are being too hard on yourself, as I think everyone (me included) I've ever met has had problems with....or has had difficulty in setting and achieving goals as 'everything' else we get or become involved in..... sometimes moves the 'target' and forces us to - delay, change or refocus.

I have always been taught that the refocus, change or delay that occurs because of unforseen circumstances is also known as 'reality' as what happens ....... happens to us all.

It is perhaps important to remind ourselves often, that when the above takes place it doesn't affect the goal but merely impacts on the/our plan.

The crucial thing is that (with credit to Napoleon Hill) "goals are the 'progressive' realisation of a worthy ideal" and that despite all the advice we receive the following acronym still holds true...... S.M.A.R.T.

Goals. S.M.A.R.T. means Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-sensitive.

Specific: Don't be vague. Decide exactly what do you want and write it down or purchase a voice recorder (don't trust your memory)

Measurable: Quantify your goal. How will you know if you've achieved it or not?

Attainable: Be honest with yourself about what you can reasonably accomplish at this point in your life - along with taking into consideration your current responsibilities.

Realistic: It's got to be do-able, real and practical.

Time: Associate a timeframe with each goal. When should you complete the goal?

There is a general concensus of opinion amongst top entrepreneurs that goals are simply a process of 'back from the future' thinking and that by looking at whatever it is you want as already finished.......and then think back from there and ask yourself what specific and clearly defined steps do I need to take to achieve this goal?

It's not enough just to say I want a new car in 6 months - if that was the goal - we need to be more specific, visualise and determine.........

what would it look like? is it a sporty type , 4x4 or family estate car

what shape or colour is it?

What size of engine does it have?

How will I pay for it?

and so on.

Applying a similar process to every daily, weekly or monthly goal (s) you have - tangible or intangible will greatly increase the potential for it to happen.

Hope this helps and apologies for my 'rant'

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New Member
Thanks........ 'words' they were but 'wisdom' well I don't know about that.

I had just packed away my 'soapbox' for the day when your reply reminded me of something about wisdom I had heard many years ago and heard repeated not that long ago and I couldn't resist posting it.

It was said that "Intelligence is in knowing that a tomato is a fruit but wisdom is knowing that it should never be put into a fruit salad"

Least I think that's how it went!

Business Upside

Business Upside

Knowing the difference between goal setting and planning can change how you take action. Goal setting is an effective tool for visualizing your future. Planning will help you define the actions you need to take to achieve your goals. No matter what you want, using these two can provide the structure you need. READ MORE


New Member
Absolutely! Understanding the difference between goals and plans is key. Goals give you a vision of where you want to be, while plans outline the steps to get there. Together, they create a clear path to success. Keep it simple and stay focused!


New Member
Having a plan is even more crucial. Plans turn your goals into action steps you can follow daily. Without them, your goals remain dreams. Always plan your projects and daily tasks to stay on track. Goals and plans are your roadmap to success, so keep your eyes on the prize and adjust as needed. Remember, ‘Success is a journey, not a destination.