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Starting Your Own Business? - Hmrc E-learning Course

  • Thread starter Scottish Business Owner
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Scottish Business Owner

Scottish Business Owner

New Member
Working for yourself?
Got a lot of questions about tax, National Insurance, business records and expenses?
If so, this HMRC e-learning course is for you.

How it can help
This course will build your confidence by guiding you through everything you need to know to get started. There are useful tips from others who have been where you are now and practical case studies to help you along the way.

How long does it take?
It's entirely up to you. You can work through the learning at your own pace and at a time that suits you. You don't need to do it all in one go, you can dip in and out as you need it and even come back to it at a later date.

Here's the link >>>

Robert Frost

New Member
I've put in for this thanks
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New Member
Staff member
Perfect resource for those starting out in business.