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Start Up Websites

  • Thread starter CybergalSolutions
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New Member
Hi All

Bit of advice needed if possible.

I have posted an offer on my website for Website Packages for new start-ups and wondered what would be a reasonable price for a new start-up to pay for a 5 page website including all design and content, 2 businesses email addresses plus free hosting for the first year?

Doesn't include domain name as the majority of new businesses already have this sorted.

I've put a price on there obviously but wondered what new start-ups would be willing to pay for such an offer/service?

Any insights would be appreciated.

Many thanks :)


New Member
I would first ask yourself Cybergal what is your required fee. How much time will it take you to put a website together like the one you have outlined and how much do you want to be paid for doing this work.

This will be the figure you should be charging.

Just as an example, charge more than you think you should. I have 2 business build options that I offer and almost nobody ever goes for the cheaper option.

Hope this helps
Free Stuff For Startups

Free Stuff For Startups

New Member
Tempting offers are great for attracting new business provided that you can effectively monetise them later in the relationship. The advice I'd give is to make your offer conditional on some qualifying criteria that enables you to qualify out of businesses that are unlikely to need or afford your regular services in future. You are effectively investing in their business and should be judging them in the same way as any investor would. At the very least, you should be requiring a formal business plan to be provided as part of the application process - most dreamers and wannabees dont have one :)


New Member
The price of a business site $1000-1200. Custom theme, SEO-friendly, UX design, WordPress. Can it be cheaper? Yes, it can. But it is a risky way.


New Member
6 startup websites that make a great first impression

01. Kano
Kano is a computer building kit designed to teach kids how to build and program computers. As you scroll down the site, you see how the computer is made with beautiful animations.

02. Nod
Nod is a ring which when worn can control your smart devices around your home such as your TV, computer and even your lighting. Nod brings the futuristic technology of hand gestures to life. The website features incredible elements that describe how the ring works as your scroll.

03. Cirqle
Cirqle is an iOS App that lets people capture their memories in the moment. It is a mobile social network for people who want to share their experiences with the people they care about. Their website is bold but with a welcoming feeling and explains how the App works very well.

04. Cameo
Cameo is a mobile app that lets you and your friends create short films from your phone. Their website features some of the films made by their users.

05. Ghost
Ghost is a new content management system that makes simplifies the world of blogging.Their landing page features big images and lots of information which makes it an effective landing page design.

06. Squarespace
Squarespace is a drag and drop website builder that makes creating websites easier. The landing page is simple yet elegant and features changing background images when the page is loaded.
Then clients of web agencies point to other sites and say "i like that can you do something like that" Most custom sites when you break them down to their layout and basic building blocks are just the same as a theme but with different images and to be honest - most have similar layouts. I think most businesses would do better with a theme and then paying an agency for branding and message marketing - these two things can make any theme more custom than the so called "from scratch - reinvent the wheel sites" that barely scratch the surface and claim to be ground breaking. After ROI is made they can reinvest and make better decisions on real needs and adding value.


New Member
Wix is good and you can create something yourself professional looking for free. I would start with that then move to your own site when established.

John Sanchez

New Member
How much cost your hour of work? Calculate how many hours you will spend building the website, that will be your minimum rate.

Have a nice day


I would use WordPress as this software seems to be the most popular for websites. If needed, you can always contact a web development agency.


New Member
Got to be realistic in pricing as web tech has evolved and offer of web builders is everywhere.

Happy to partner up and offer AI Chatbots for your customers as an on going subscription plan if interested to package it up. My website is