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Sponsors and Goodie Bag Donations Wanted


New Member

Getting organsised with my fashion show. Been to llok at the venue which is beautiful. And now I've seen it I have a better idea of the funds I need to raise to make a good night. However, the more I raise the better a night I can put on. As I do not need a stage so that had greatly cut my costs.

I do plan on doing my own fund raising, I am going to hold a Clothes Swap Party in O'Couture in Glasgow on a week night, roughly 11th November which I'm hoping will be a great night.

I'm then looking to book the venue for the 28th of November.

I need to raise approx. £800 to hold the night. This covers venue hire, booklets for the night(where sponsors names or logo's will appear),travel expenses for models-they are volunteering so wanted to at least pay that, small items for the goodie bags, the goodie bags themselves, make-up for the night and then a small amount for any unseen cost.

I am also looking for anyone who may want to donate items or put in any offers to customers. I am going to make 200 goodie bags. So far I have a boutique offering to put in discount codes and hope to get simillar items from local businesses.

Any help would be greatly apreciated and I'd happily work to any requirements sponors needed, there is a chance of a dvd playing as well during the night, and space to be used for anyone wanting to display their stock (need to hire a room for models to get ready so plan on making more use of it once the show is over). As at the minute I probably wont get my Market test grant for a few weeks so I need to fund all my sewing work myself (which I'm not complaining about jsut wish I had more spare cahs to pump into it).

Hope to hear from some of you soon!

Also wanted to dd thank you for all the help so far!!!


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