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Should I bother getting security?



New Member
My wife is trying to urge me to get mobile surveillance system border patrol for our start-up’s building, which is also not that big. The thing is when you’re a small business owner, sometimes you’d rather spend the money on other things. Is hiring security really worth the cost when your company isn’t that big yet? Also, are there cheaper alternatives to this service that you recommend? Thanks.


How much does the service you mention cost? What type of business do you have? How big is your business?

Sorry to ask so many questions but you were a little vague in your post.


New Member
I had an experience at the beginning of my business career. I was hired as an innovation assistant and so on in a local cafe. They paid a little, but I did practically nothing. So once there was also a question with security and I said that 100% you need to hire a service. Gritting his teeth, the owner nevertheless signed a contract, and literally a week later, some scum tried to knock money out of us for opening on their street, and then at night they tried to paint our windows with paint, but they were stopped by security. Therefore, this is very important!


New Member
It's been a while since your post, but I wanted to offer some insight. As a small business owner myself, every penny counts, right? It's a tough call balancing security needs with budget constraints. I remember when I was debating whether to invest in surveillance for my store.